Welcome to Park Slope United Methodist, a Brooklyn-based church embracing diversity and inclusivity. Our commitment to being a family-friendly community extends to all types of families, including those with children, without children, of all genders, orientations, and compositions.
Located in the heart of Park Slope, New York, we champion social justice, cultivate a sense of community, and provide a place of belonging for everyone, both within our neighborhood and beyond.
Discover a wide range of intergenerational activities designed to accommodate people of all ages, from Bible study and Sunday school to movie and game nights. At Park Slope United Methodist, we're dedicated to creating a welcoming atmosphere where YOU belong. Join from wherever you are on personal journey to experience the power of faith and community.
Please join us! All are welcome here!

There are many opportunities for ministry and connection, whether you are new to us or a well-known friend! Contact the church office to join our email list, or visit our calendar of events.